Hide the price of products
The price of the product is not displayed and this product automatically is not available for order.
Disallow the purchase of the products
The "Add to cart" button is hidden and the product is not available for order, then, the product will not be added to cart.
If a “disallowed purchase product” is in the cart (previous existing cart of a customer) the module blocks the checkout process until the customer removes the product from the cart.
In this case, the price can be displayed or not, you can choose if you want to show the price but disallow the purchase or also hide the price of the product.
Product filters
To define what products will be affected by the rule, these are the filters available:
- Stock
- Price
- Weight
- Category
- Product
- Manufacturer
- Supplier
The filters can be combined for a better precision to select what products must be affected by the rules of the module.
The filter values can be multiselected, then, the rules can be created to be applied individually or massively (for example: with an unique rule you can hide all the product prices of your catalog).
Destination (target) filters
To define who will get the hidden prices and/or the disallowed purchase of the products, these are the destination (target) filters:
- Customer group
- Customer
- Language
- Currency
- Country (geolocation)
- Zone (geolocation)
To do it by country and zone, the geolocation of PrestaShop must be enabled, then, when a customer access to the store our module applies the rules.
You can use the module in all the stores on your multi-shop, and you can create a different configuration for each of these.
Responsive and cross browser
This module is adapted for all devices: PC, tablet and mobile. It is also compatible with all browsers.
Compatible with all the themes and all other modules in your store
You can use this module with any platform you are using and it will function with any other modules you have installed in your store. If you have any problems, we will resolve them for you.
Multi-language texts
All the texts on this module can be translated into the languages of the store.