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Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop
Moduł Payment Reminder Notifications dla PrestaShop

Rozszerzenie Payment Reminder Notifications dla Magento

Wersja: 1.0.5 | Zgodność: Magento CE v1.5.x - 1.9.x

Notify your customers about payment pending orders. Cancel pending orders automatically to free up stock.

  • 3 miesiące 38,99 €
  • 1 rok 44,99 €
  • Możesz odnowić wsparcie dla19,99 €
🛠️ Installation included: We can install the module in your store for free
🧬 Life-time free updates: You can always download the last version
🤝 3 months1 year support: We are by your side when you need it
38,99 € 55,99 € -30%
Liczba licencji
Accepted payment methods


Usually, Magento extensions that connects to an external payment gateway creates the orders before the payment has been done. If the customer don't finalize the payment or try it after, an order with a pending status will have been created in the shop. In practice (and according to our experience), shops with a high orders volume, will have a high pending orders volume and a high cost in hours to manage these pending orders.

It can be used for orders paid with bank transfer also, for example.

This extension is unique by different reasons:

  • It's the only extension that can cancel this pending orders automatically.
  • It's the only extension that can free up stock from pending orders automatically.
  • It has a secondary and "commercial" advantage which is to sending a notification to the customer which can be used to recover the sale.

This extension allows you to set up to 3 payment reminders to notify your customers about pending payment orders to try to recover and finalize the purchase. Also, this extension can automatically cancel pending payment orders after a defined period of time or if the customer reorder again cancelling previous pending payment orders.

Save time managing your pending payment orders! And try to recover some of them!

Magento CE v1.5.x - 1.9.x
Wymaga usługi zewnętrznej

Opinie klientów

Excelente servicio de soporte
Popup (przy wejściu, wyjściu - exit popup, dodaj produkt) i Newsletter
Good product, and technical support services very efficient. They answer you very fast and help you.
Hide product attributes and combinations
de momento no he podido instalarlo en mi ecommerce, cuando lo instale lo sabré
Bizum®* - Mobile payment (with fees and discounts)
semplice ed intuitivo
Price Increment/Reduction by group, category and more
Module très utile en particulier pour activer Google Consent Mode v2 qui devait être en place en mars 24. Le support est top : professionnel, réactif, à l'écoute ! J'ai pu installer le module en toute sérénité. Merci ...
Cookies Prawo RODO (Blokada) + Google Consent Mode ❤️
Very good module with great support by the development team.
Cookies Prawo RODO (Blokada) + Google Consent Mode ❤️
Buen modulo, facil y sencillo de configurar, y con respuesta muy rápida del programador: Sería ya perfecto si se pudiera limitar el maximo por cliente, para que no repitan pedidos y asi saltarse el tope
Minimum, maximum, multiple units and total cart limits
Excelente módulo. Idnovate es una empresa que cumplio 100% las espectativas en todas mis compras.
Auto Change Country, Language And Currency Geolocation
Ottimo Modulo, funziona e fà quello che dice, perfetto!!
WhatsApp – Czatuj z Klientami i WhatsApp dla Bizesu
Développeur à l'écoute et prend le temps de vous aider. Très bon module
Show additional prices (currencies, taxes, discounts)
Excellent produit, aucun soucis à l'installation. Le support est très réactif et sympa. Le produit fonctionne bien et permet de faire de nombreuses choses.
Promocje i zniżki (3x2, zniżki, oferty, packs)
Addon muy bueno pero un poco caro "en general" para solo poner un icono de WhatsApp que era lo que necesitaba
WhatsApp – Czatuj z Klientami i WhatsApp dla Bizesu
