Filters and conditions available
- Order total Price range
- Customers group
- Category
- Manufacturer
- Supplier
- Country
- Zone
- Language
- Currency
- Shipping method
Examples to use the filters:
Configure one terminal for currency Pesos and other terminal for currency Dolar.
Configure the terminal to allows to use it only if an specific shipping method is selected.
Transaction list
You can see all transactions made, all with payment result.
Currency conversion
You can use all the currencies you need for your shop, the module will convert the order amount to the currency of the terminal.
You can use the module in all the stores on your multi-shop, and you can create a different configuration for each of these.
Responsive and cross browser
This module is adapted for all devices: PC, tablet and mobile. It is also compatible with all browsers.
Compatible with all the themes and all other modules in your store
You can use this module with any platform you are using and it will function with any other modules you have installed in your store. If you have any problems, we will resolve them for you.
Multi-language texts
All the texts on this module can be translated into the languages of the store.